#1 Who I was and who I am?


Now to get off on the right foot, my blog will be about my experience in the fitness world and how I had that lightbulb moment which changed the way I saw myself. Having been a teenager in the 21st century, we are circled around the explosion of social media and what our friends think of us. For so long I would not be happy with the way I looked. One day I thought I looked like the ‘chubster’ and the next day I would notice my skinny little calves. Oh how I wanted those perfect legs where I could walk around confident in shorts on holiday. Oh how I wanted that puffy chest that screamed masculinity.

Oh how I wanted to be happy with what was in the mirror.

Today I am a university student reading engineering in London and a soldier (part-time) in the British Army. I joined the army to prove to myself that size really does not matter and that I can do anything anyone else can do. I was the youngest and least muscular guy on my basic training course but hey I made it! I’ve attempted an arduous course in order to have an airbourne role but unfortunately I didn’t quite make the standard. Arduous indeed! Nevertheless I will recover and smash it next time.

The reason for this blog is that there are loads of blogs out there that have ripped guys telling the world what they do to be massive. I’m no longer interested in that. I workout because being a soldier requires me to be physically robust. I workout for strength, not size. I am not interested in impressing anyone and I am totally okay with how I look now. So this blog will have updates of how I am getting along and hopefully if anyone fancies reading it, they too can see how size doesn’t matter and you can enjoy fitness without needing to be big in anyone else’s eyes. You are as big as you feel.

“Train hard, fight easy.” Alexander Suvorov


  1. irun4pizza · January 6, 2016

    I hope to be following along and seeing how it’s going!


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